August 9, 1945
Nagasaki Nuclear explosion estimated deaths:75000August 6,1945
Hiroshima Nuclear explosion estimated deaths:135,000Explanation:
Since these World War 2 attacks, nuclear weapons have become even more powerful.The Hiroshima bomb produced an explosion of 15 kilotons. One Kiloton equals the explosive power of 1,00 tons of TNT.
If it was detonated in New York city's Times Square,this is what it would look like.
The radius of the effected area would be almost a mile long. This yellow circle indicates the radiuse of the explosion's fireball. Within the red circle, fatalities are near 100%, and all concrete structures are damaged
or demolished. Within the dray circle,most residential structures are destroyed,most residential structes are destroyed and there are massive injuries and fatalities.The orange circle indicates the area in which 3rd degree radiation burns occur.
But the sheer destructive power of that explosion pales in comparison to the largest thermonuclear weapon
currently in the United States' arsenal- THE B83. Created in the late 1970s.
The B83 can produce an explosion upto 1,200 kilotons which is 80 times the Hiroshima explosion.
Thats the explosive power of 1.2 million tons of TNT.
Id dropped on New York City, the radius of the effected area would be 7 miles.
Then there is the 1954 operation Castle Bravo-the largest nuclear power ever tested by Uited States.
It produce 15,000 kilotons esplosion which over 1000 times more powerful
than the Hiroshima bomb.
Today, there are estimated 14,900 nuclear weapons in the world.
If not for the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 0f 1963, we might have even more powerful
bombs today.
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